About Me

At the Moment

Me at UVA

Currently based out of Charlottesville, I am a PhD candidate in Slavic Languages & Literatures at the University of Virginia. My research focuses on the ways writing culture intersects with politics and religion in the 50 years leading up to the Russian revolution. I'm also interested in using new technological approaches to augment scholarly and pedagogical pursuits, including dabbling in the Digital Humanities and developing digital study materials for language learners.

Lev on New England Trip

Outside of work I enjoy cooking, photography, tinkering with free and open-source software (FOSS), and satisfying fleeting curiosities about the world. My "fermentation station" is known far and wide for its sour wares and probiotic goodness. My travel companion, the Kazakh kitty Lev, is far more famous, however.


Aaron in Kazakhstan

I am originally from southern Illinois and have lived in Arizona as well as Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan. I received my BA degrees from the University of Arizona in Russian and Anthropology. From 2015 to 2018 I lived in Almaty, Kazakhstan where I worked as an educator and consultant. Since 2012 I have lived with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Last modified: Mon Nov 27 2023